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Rock Island - MilanAthletics

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Giving Back Pays Off

Members of the Rock Island-Milan Youth Sports DBA Milan Harvest Festival presented checks to the Rocks Baseball team, Softball team, and the Art Department for their volunteer efforts at the Milan Harvest Festival! Softball and Baseball received $5,000 checks and the Art Department received $1,000!
check being presented to RIHS athletic director and softball coach
Stephanie Purdy, RIHS Softball Coach Julie Hudnall, Athletic Director Mike Emendorfer, and Kevin Nolan
check being presented to RIHS athletic director and baseball coach
Stephanie Purdy, RIHS Baseball Coach Jake Scudder, Athletic Director Mike Emendorfer, and Kevin Nolan
check being presented to RIHS athletic director
Stephanie Purdy, Athletic Director Mike Emendorfer, and Kevin Nolan