About Us » Athletic Code

Athletic Code

The Extracurricular Activity Code of Conduct is a part of the Rock Island-Milan School District Code of Conduct
Extracurricular Activity Code of Conduct Enforce for all Illinois High School Association (IHSA) athletics and activities: Football, Sideline Cheer, Boys’ and Girls’ Cross Country, Boys’ and Girls’ Golf, Boys’ and Girls’ Soccer, Boys’ and Girls’ Swimming, Boys’ and Girls’ Tennis, Volleyball, Boys’ and Girls’ Basketball, Bowling, Wrestling, Baseball, Softball, Boys’ and Girls’ Track, Bass Fishing, Chorus, Debate, Scholastic Bowl, Student Council.
All fans in attendance at any Rock Island Milan School District #41 Extracurricular Event are expected to follow the IHSA sportsmanship core values.


The Rock Island Milan School Board has established the rules and regulations for school athletics and activities. Students wishing to participate in school athletics and activities must meet the requirements established by the school district in order to be a participant. Failure to abide by this policy and the administrative regulations supporting it may be cause for disciplinary measures. Records of violations of the Code of Conduct will be kept by the Athletic/Activities Director and building principal.



Participation in student athletics and activities is considered an extension of, but separate from, the regular school program. While the regular academic program is a right afforded to each student, participation in athletics and activities is a privilege. This privilege requires students to meet certain expectations beyond those found in the traditional classroom setting. Since participation is a privilege, the school has the authority to suspend or revoke this privilege for those who do not conduct themselves in a responsible manner as determined by Rock Island Milan School District. Activities and organizations subject to the IHSA Extracurricular Code of Conduct include all athletic programs as well as the following IHSA activities: Sideline Cheer, Bass Fishing, Chorus, Debate, Scholastic Bowl, and Student Council.



All participants in athletics or other activities are expected to abide by all school rules and regulations as outlined in this code book, as well as current IHSA Eligibility Rules and Regulations, where applicable. Compliance to the Extracurricular Activity Code of Conduct is a year-round policy. This policy starts the first time you sign it until the day of graduation or last day of competition, whichever comes last. Section 3.140 of the IHSA By-laws states: Students participating in interscholastic athletic contests in violation of the By-laws, or other persons found to be in gross violation of the ethics of the competition or the principles of good sportsmanship, may be barred by the Board of Directors from interscholastic contests. (Poor student behavior may bar his/her team from future contests or cause his/her team to forfeit a contest.) The coach/sponsor of each individual activity may issue additional eligibility requirements and regulations. These regulations must be monitored and approved by the Principal or Athletic/Activities Director. Any student who is found to have violated the Extracurricular Activity Code of Conduct may be deemed ineligible for a period of time as described below or may be given alternative consequences as listed. In addition to disciplinary responses as provided with the Rock Island Milan School District discipline code, a student involved in extracurricular athletics and/or activities may lose eligibility under the Extracurricular Activity Code of Conduct for any of the following behaviors, included but not limited to:

  • Possession, use, or purchase of tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, or illegal drugs. Unauthorized possession, use or purchase of otherwise lawful drugs.
  • Engaging in any act that would be grounds for arrest or citation in the criminal or juvenile court system, regardless of whether the student was cited, arrested, convicted or adjudicated for the act.
  • Inappropriate or offensive conduct such as fighting, insubordinate responses to persons of authority (including but not limited to: game officials, opposing coaches, security personnel, administrators, teachers), hazing, bullying, or harassment of others.


Investigation materials may include evidence recovered through social media.


If, in the determination of the Athletic/Activities Director or Designee, a student violates the District Code of Conduct or the Extracurricular Activity Code of Conduct, then the student may be subject to the consequences listed below but are not limited to these alone. The Athletic/Activities Director or Principal will determine consequences on an individual basis based on the seriousness of the violation. The Athletic/Activities Director or Principal may also accelerate the loss of privileges listed below for any level of offense.



  • First Offense: Suspension from activity for 25% of the number of regular season contests/activities, applied to next relevant contest/activity (tournament play, next activity or sport involved in, etc.). Students are expected to continue to attend practices.
  • Second Offense: Suspension from activity for 50% of the number of regular season contests/activities, applied to next relevant contest/activity (tournament play, next activity or sport involved in, etc.). Students are expected to continue to attend practices.
  • Third Offense: A one-year suspension, 365 days from the date of infraction, of all sports and activities. Students will not be listed on rosters and are not allowed to practice.
  • Fourth Offense: No further participation in interscholastic contests/activities throughout Rock Island Milan School District from the date of the fourth offense.


Other disciplinary actions may include but are not limited to:

  • Enroll in an approved program and complete the evaluation as stipulated by the Athletic/Activities Director. Any cost of screening and rehabilitation or counseling is the responsibility of the student and/or parent(s)/guardian(s).
  • Establish community service with the Athletic/Activities Director and Principal approval.

o First Offense: Ten (10) hours of service

o Second Offense: Twenty (20) hours of service


Failure to complete an alternative disciplinary consequence will immediately revert to the appropriate above listed consequence (first, second, third offenses).


All suspensions will begin with the first contest after the offense in which the student is to compete. It is the responsibility of the Athletic/Activities Director to clearly communicate with coaches, parent(s)/guardian(s), and students the number of scheduled contest/activity dates and the numbers associated with the percentage of suspension that can be imposed at the beginning of each season. If a student goes one calendar year from the date in which an Extracurricular Activity Code of Conduct disciplinary consequence is imposed, without another violation, the student will be reinstated as if there was no prior violation. This reinstatement may be used only one time during a student’s attendance at Rock Island High School.


All disciplinary measures outlined in this document apply only to the extracurricular activities outlined above. These policies do not supersede or replace other requirements and consequences under School Board Policy.



  • When a student is ineligible to compete/participate, he/she may accompany the team (as long as travel occurs after the end of the school day) and sit on the bench but they may not wear a team uniform, warm up garments, or sweats. Students on suspension are not allowed to leave school before the end of the school day.
  • The penalty may carry over from one sport or activity to the next sport or activity in which the student is involved.
  • Penalty may also carry over from one school year to the next. Penalties apply to the next appropriate season (ex. If a football player incurs an infraction in May, and does not participate in spring sports, the suspension can be imposed in the fall of the next school year.)
  • The Extracurricular Activity Code of Conduct is a cumulative 4-year policy at the high school. Offenses add onto one another. Students do not start with a clean slate each year.
  • The Extracurricular Activity Code of Conduct is a cumulative 2-year policy at the junior high school. Offenses add on to one another. Students do not start with a clean slate each year.



This section covers the procedures, actions and/or penalties for infractions or deviations from those rules outlined in the above paragraphs.

  • Before any suspension provided for in this code shall take effect, the student/athlete shall be verbally advised of the alleged violation. Upon being informed of a possible infraction, the Athletic/Activities Director immediately investigates the allegations. Investigation may include but not be limited to: interviews, Dean’s reports, security reports, social media posts, and any other relevant information provided by authorized personnel. The student involved in extracurricular activities will have an opportunity to explain or justify the action.
  • After completing the investigation, the Athletic/Activities Director will confer with the principal to determine if a consequence is warranted and if so what that consequence should be.
  • If consequences are to be imposed, the Athletic/Activities Director will inform the student verbally and in writing within one (1) business day of the decision. The Athletic/Activities Director will also verbally inform the parent(s)/guardian(s) within one (1) business day and send the written notification through the mail. A copy of this letter will be filed and kept by the Athletic/Activities Director and the Principal.



An Extracurricular Activity Appeals Committee consisting of the building Principal, Athletic/Activities Director, a Dean, one head coach, and one non-coaching staff member will exist at the high school and junior high schools. This committee will be established at the start of each school year. If the coach of a student requesting an appeal is a member of the Appeals Committee, he/she must recuse themselves from the appeal. The Principal shall appoint a replacement for the appeal.


A student involved in extracurricular activities, who has been suspended from participation in a Rock Island Milan School sport or activity for violation of this code, may make a formal appeal request, in writing, to the Extracurricular Activity Appeals Committee within two (2) business days of the verbal notification. In the letter of appeal, the student will state why he/she should be reinstated. The Athletic/Activities Director will convene the Extracurricular Activity Appeals Committee within one (1) business day of receiving the appeal from the parent(s)/guardian(s). The student and parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified of the committee’s decision by the end of the day of the appeal.


After appealing to the Extracurricular Activity Appeals Committee, if the student is not satisfied with the Extracurricular Activity Appeals Committee’s decision, the student may appeal, in writing, to the district superintendent within two (2) business days. Parent(s)/guardian(s) share in their child’s right to due process. The hearing shall be private, although the student will be permitted to present his/her position through witnesses. The student will be notified, in writing, of the superintendent’s decision within one (1) business day of the appeal.


If parent(s)/guardian(s) are not satisfied with the appeal to the superintendent, they may appeal to the school board. They must present the appeal in writing to the superintendent within two (2) business days of the decision of the superintendent appeal. The superintendent will forward the appeal to all members of the school board immediately after receiving the request in writing.