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Athletic Director


Interscholastic Athletics Personal Philosophy Statement

Mike Emendorfer
The number one objective in athletics is the development and growth of student athletes. Participation in an athletic program contributes to the foundational development of an individual's physical skills, emotional maturity, self-discipline, moral values, and overall happiness in a participant. Mastering these skills allows students to leave high school with a strong foundation and positively impact their community and society.
Student athletes will be held to the highest academic standards. However, I understand that these participants are students first and athletes second and that those who choose to play through academic achievements demonstrated in the classroom will benefit significantly in the long term.
Our coaches must focus on maintaining or increasing the participation rates within their programs. It will be my responsibility that the athletic programs offered represent more opportunities for young people to experience the educational benefits of athletics. Each team is essential to the athletes, becoming the foundation for their student-athlete experience.
I believe in multisport participation and will continue to promote the benefits of playing two or three sports instead of specializing in one year-round. In addition, I will provide educational research and information to the coaching staff supporting the physical and mental benefits of multisport participation.
I will do all within my control to inform the school and community about the Rocks athletic program and highlight the achievements of our student-athletes, both on and off the field, communicating the fundamental beliefs of our athletic philosophy. Internally, we will teach the concepts of fair play, sporting behavior, and playing within the spirit and intent of the rules. In addition, the values of teamwork, perseverance, and leadership will be repeated often.