District-wide safety measures announced for RIMSD athletic events Here's what you need to know before you go to any RIMSD #41 athletic event!
Reduced entrances 2024 home football games Before heading out to a game please read which entrance to use.
Bringing back the gold The Rocks will sport a new look this football season to celebrate its 125th anniversary.
Parent Meeting for RIHS Student Athletic Participation Important information will be shared about sports participation in the upcoming school year.
Guide for College-Bound Student-Athlete A resource for parents and their students interested in continuing their athletic career post-high school.
RIHS Hosting Free Sports Physicals Student-athletes in grades 7th, and 8th, and high school athletes can receive a free sports physical.
Spring Sport Students Recognized for Athletic Achievements Baseball, Softball, Soccer, Tennis, and Track & Field athletes were honored.
RIHS Students Awarded the James O'Melia Jr. Athletic Award The James O'Melia Jr. Athletic Award is considered the highest honor that Rock Island High School bestows on student athletes.